Our Mission in Education

We desire to fill a need for a better school system in our Province of Takeo, Cambodia. To better educate the children at A Greater Hope Orphanage is our first goal, educating the surrounding the children is our second goal, changing our community and country final goal. Our teaching starts with understanding that "Fearing the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, only fools despise wisdom and discipline". "Then you will understand what is Right and Just and Fair". "For Wisdom will enter your heart".

We'll strive for a pure teaching with high moral standards that will give our children A HEART FOR WISDOM


Receiveing Mode for Poperty Funds

Little Update.
A Heart For Wisdom school recently sponsored an event which started out as just an hour or so of a Missouri team playing music and visually acting out the scriptures at church.  It turn into a major event while the team was on the airplane.  We ended up playing the Jesus Film, playing worship from our church and a neighboring church.  We also had a Christian players preform Lazarus and the Poor man and the Prodigal Son along with the Missouri team playing their worship and interpretive dance to the bible.  

There was alter calls and prayer.  Were hundreds of people were saved and people were healed.
We've had 14 new children added the school and 10 children to church.

It I feel was a very successful event.  Just getting the Word out I would have considered successful.
God certainly has blessed the work.

Right now it seems like we receive a new child nearly every day.
We are going to send out a flyer to notify the community that we will stop accepting new children because we have been only receiving children that can't read and write.  The families have realized that after 3 months that their children are not learning at the public school and are making the change to our school.  But it is beginning to make it difficult for us to keep the class sharp and moving forward when we are introducing new kids all week  long.

Right now we are at 144 students.

We also had a group of teachers come to us and tell us that they think what we are doing is wonderful and will be a very successful school.  They said they want to spend time volunteering at our school 6 to 8 hours a week.
This was a very kind compliment to have non- Christian teachers approaching a Christian school that is competition for them.  It is also wonderful to see there are caring teachers at the public school.  They too are just stuck in a system they don't like.
I want to share with you all that I have this very big feeling inside me that we are about to grow. 
I already know that next year we will have more students than we will be able to handle.
I also feel like we will have the land and begin to start building this year.
Maybe because we have had so many people telling they want to help, or that raising funds for this will be easy.  It is hard to describe but it almost feels like the day before your birthday or Christmas and you know tomorrow you will get gifts.  
It is that feeling that tomorrow I will wake up with an email from Liz at church saying God has blessed you guys again.

Of course tomorrow is figuratively speaking, probably not tomorrow but I can feel it, it is in the air,it is around the corner.

So right now I have set out to design the class rooms and workout a possible layout for the buildings on the land.

We really would like to make invitations to everyone and their friends that we are in the receiving mode for School Property Funds.

We are looking at two possible pieces of land one is closer to the road at $5 a meter.
There is the more likely option at $2 a meter but about 1/2 mile down the road.
 Our purchase of the land will reflect the donations received for the land purchase.

We currently have $13,000 out of the $150,000 we are looking for.
Also if there are persons out there blessed with planning that wishes to help in the design of the buildings or property please contact us.
I could really use this type of help.
Please pray with us that God will bless us and the work abundantly.
