Our Mission in Education

We desire to fill a need for a better school system in our Province of Takeo, Cambodia. To better educate the children at A Greater Hope Orphanage is our first goal, educating the surrounding the children is our second goal, changing our community and country final goal. Our teaching starts with understanding that "Fearing the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, only fools despise wisdom and discipline". "Then you will understand what is Right and Just and Fair". "For Wisdom will enter your heart".

We'll strive for a pure teaching with high moral standards that will give our children A HEART FOR WISDOM


Our God is a BIG God.

According to a local witch doctor our school is to powerful for her to enter or come near.

Yes, just like the Dracula or Werewolf movies this person that Satan uses could not physically enter the property the other day to drop her niece off at school.

It's a common part of our daily prayer that the kids at school would be protected and blessed that their minds would be open learning and the hearts turned to Christ.
It was very obvious today that these prayers are being answered.

So here is how it played out.

Chenda use to be on staff at the orphanage before she started at the school.  Before she came to live with us she lived near a corrupt Christian church.  She and others knew quite well how the pastor was a terrible guy taking advantage of the people.  When Chenda came to work with us and saw the Jesus us in our lives as a very different Jesus that they preached in her village.  It wasn't long before Chenda became a Christian and I actually was blessed to help baptize her.  Chenda told us not long ago she would have never become a Christian if she hadn't met us; I think God would have still called on her but her kind comment was a blessing for us to hear.  Today Chenda is our Kindergarten teacher and is still a wonderful believing sister and single I might add ;)

Chenda only works in the morning with the K classes and in the after noon she's is helping the office with public relations.  This week she went around checking up on families that have asked for a scholarship to attend school for free; we want to confirm that they really need the help as $5 bucks a month isn't that much.  The house she checked on today had a lot of nice cars in the drive way.  Chenda thought they might be having a party and wanted to leave but was invited in anyways.  Turns out the child's family shares a property with her aunt.
   The child's family has very little but her aunt is better off but her aunt is also witch doctor.  The aunt had a lot of business this week because of the Halloween type holiday they are celebrating right now.  The Aunt was the one who received Chenda and asked her a number of questions and also told Chenda how she felt about us.
First she asked Chenda how she felt coming onto her property.  Chenda replied fine though she thought there was a party going on.
Then the Aunt said she tried to take her niece to the school the other day and she couldn't come near the place.  She told Chenda it was to powerful for her to go near.   The aunt witch doctor also has half of her hair in a natty dreadlock and she said her hair was tingling and her hair would not let her come.  Evidently the hair bit is a part of her "manifestation" that she uses or is used by to preform her craft.

What I am hearing from the story today that was shared is that our God is powerful and hers is not.  There is power in the blood.  There is power in prayer, We are being used and we are being protected.

I think it is awesome for Chenda and total conformation for her that day that God is in her, that she is saved and has nothing to fear.  If Chenda's ever wondered I'm I saved this was the big "Yes you are".

I can't think of a more powerful testimony to the work that is being done here than this story that was shared  today.  God has a hedge around us.  What a powerful push this has been for us.  It makes me want to bounce around the room doing some sort of happy dance.  We are winning..

Our God is a BIG God.