Our Mission in Education

We desire to fill a need for a better school system in our Province of Takeo, Cambodia. To better educate the children at A Greater Hope Orphanage is our first goal, educating the surrounding the children is our second goal, changing our community and country final goal. Our teaching starts with understanding that "Fearing the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, only fools despise wisdom and discipline". "Then you will understand what is Right and Just and Fair". "For Wisdom will enter your heart".

We'll strive for a pure teaching with high moral standards that will give our children A HEART FOR WISDOM


Possible News

First we opened successfully the school's second year September 3rd with 194 student registered.
This week September 9th I think we have about 234 students.
We actually have people waiting all day at the school with the hope someone gets kicked out or doesn't show up, quite amazing.
Out high school kids again helping us out, receiving payments and selling books to those who needed them which we were able to sell at discount because of the amount we purchased.
We also bought a number of books for a school in Batnambang.

A little introductions and some rules.

Teacher Vath getting the 1st graders in order.

Ly and teaching 2nd grade English

Break time

Sreyroth, Engly, Sorya, visiting our helpers Saveoun, Bunheoun at the registration table.

 Ly teaching English to 4th grade with Pastor Barry supervising in the back.

We hope to have an announcement this month in regards to support and a possible partner that would fully fund the entire construction of a full campus and all that we have dreamed of.

Boards from both entities are going to meet this month and prayerfully things move forward with acceptance.

Wow, what blessings and possible future steps are hard to even imagine now.  

If things are approved and we get the "GO" be prepared, we will be looking for volunteers and things like crazy.

If you ever wanted on board your chance is around the corner, keep it in prayer.