Our Mission in Education

We desire to fill a need for a better school system in our Province of Takeo, Cambodia. To better educate the children at A Greater Hope Orphanage is our first goal, educating the surrounding the children is our second goal, changing our community and country final goal. Our teaching starts with understanding that "Fearing the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, only fools despise wisdom and discipline". "Then you will understand what is Right and Just and Fair". "For Wisdom will enter your heart".

We'll strive for a pure teaching with high moral standards that will give our children A HEART FOR WISDOM


Ministry Partners

A Heart For Wisdom school in Cambodia founded by the Carson Family under Calvary Chapel Fallbrook NGO in Cambodia would like to say YES, that is our face in the future. 

Though it's only 99% official while the MOU is finalized I've been allowed to share that CCF Cambodia / (us) has been given a tremendous blessing and will be partnering with Potter's Field Ministries. 

A Heart for Wisdom school will become a supported ministry of Potter's Field Kids program. 

We currently also intend to become an extension site for the IGNITE mission training program where missionaries will serve 6 months with us supporting and growing our ministries here.

A Heart For Wisdom with grow next year from providing elementary classes to providing Junior High classes and licensing for High school.

The school will intern provide for a number of other ministries such as a clinic, possibly adult education and a Christian College.

To what end all this will come too God only knows, but I've been given permission to dream.

What trust, what a blessing. Takeo has no idea what's coming.

Over the next year a large amount of what we do will under go changes. Please bear with us in understanding.

So how will this effect A Greater Hope Orphanage. Well a far better education will be provided for our kids, we will be able to educate our upper grades 7-12.

We will have greater ability to provide for their time in college with possible housing cost covered.

We will also be looking at our kids to provide them a careers if they wish. We will be employing a large number of people from with in our community, really hope many of them will be the kids we've worked so hard with.

As our MOU is finalized our future will become clearer the opportunities will better defined.

Workers, laborers, here is your opportunity for you to attend a wonderful mission training program growing yourself in preparation for the mission field. Perhaps that field will be with us.

I am excited, really busy but excited.


So Far so Good

This years gotten of to a great start.
We are so thank for Temple Christian College for helping out again this year, helping us cover the cost of the two new buildings for Pre-K and Kindergarten classes.

We still have over 240 students with pretty much every one happy.  New teachers are improving and adapting.  I am thankful that the help we provide is well received and appreciated.

We hear tail of another school opening in the next community but that they are already losing students to us.

Lastly my wife got a call from her cousin V in the city last night and she was saying that her dad can't stop talking about the school and how impressed he is the way everything is going.  V's father is our vice principal and ream's uncle who worked 30 years and retired from the public school as a vice principal for the local high school.  It was nice to hear what uncle tells others, because he is not so expressive to us directly.  We certainly know he approves of the work but not to the extent he has shared with others.  It is also nice because he is an in-law of mine that approves of the work and me which I am grateful for.

I haven't know school pride to such a degree before.  People are living and breathing this.  It's given the community a huge amount of hope for their children to succeed.

 Pre-K and Kindergarten normally has parent hanging out at the windows all morning making sure their child is alright and ready to be with out mom.  I also think the parent are learning a little as well.