Our Mission in Education

We desire to fill a need for a better school system in our Province of Takeo, Cambodia. To better educate the children at A Greater Hope Orphanage is our first goal, educating the surrounding the children is our second goal, changing our community and country final goal. Our teaching starts with understanding that "Fearing the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, only fools despise wisdom and discipline". "Then you will understand what is Right and Just and Fair". "For Wisdom will enter your heart".

We'll strive for a pure teaching with high moral standards that will give our children A HEART FOR WISDOM


Faithful few

Hello my Faithful Few,
I just want to share with you we are not receiving much traffic to this blog.
You can help us out by sharing the web address with your friends and family.

As we make a push to have the school campus started before next year it is crucial we get the financial support.  It is crucial we gain friends and awareness.

We have 3 groups scheduled this year that will play a major role in what we do but we don't want to leave this big project for just 3 at the end of the year.

We would really like to get moving.  We have a lot of students requesting to attend the school next year I have to turn down students almost every day.  Next year we are going to be swamped and what will hold us back is lack of space.

Please help us get the word out, lets increase traffic.

Thank you

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