Recently the blog for the orphanage reached it's space limits and we had to open a new blog site. We would like this new blog site to include the school activities and any other updates about other ministries we are involved in. Trying to keep up with two blogs is a bit too much right now and I would prefer consolidate them in order to keep information current.
Here is the link to the new blog we'd like to direct you to.
Our Mission in Education
We desire to fill a need for a better school system in our Province of Takeo, Cambodia. To better educate the children at A Greater Hope Orphanage is our first goal, educating the surrounding the children is our second goal, changing our community and country final goal. Our teaching starts with understanding that "Fearing the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, only fools despise wisdom and discipline". "Then you will understand what is Right and Just and Fair". "For Wisdom will enter your heart".
We'll strive for a pure teaching with high moral standards that will give our children A HEART FOR WISDOM